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Kwame Binea is a self-proclaimed rocker to the core. Growing up in West London, but having native roots in Ghana, has music is peppered with his own brand of “Roots Rocks” which embodies his fertile and culturally diverse personal saga. This journey has helped him to unearth his artistic aspirations, and influenced his unique style as a singer/spongwriter. Currently, he has set up home in New York City, where he has begun to unearth his artistic aspirations as a singer/songwriter.

Stay connected with Kwamea Binea Shakedown for updates on live performances, future releases, etc!
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/kwameandtheuptownshakedown
Twitter- https://twitter.com/kwamebinea
Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/kwamebinea/

Last modified: December 21, 2017

2 Responses to :
Kwame Binea Shakedown – Mona Lisa

  1. Dan Hutch says:

    this gives me hope that new music can still have soul…dont stop making great music kwame!!!!!!

  2. kaitlyn morrison says:

    can anyone tell me where i can buy this? please and thanks!

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