Estelle California – Black Is The True Light ( Lyric Video)

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Estelle California has established herself as a promising artist with an important and powerful message to share. With the release of her latest EP My Name Is Freedom, Estelle California unveils her story to the world.

My Name Is Freedom starts off with the liberating anthem “Star,” while the second track “Who Are You” opens the spiritual quest of identity. “Black Is The True Light” and “The Land of Freedom” are emotional tribute songs, while “Grateful” finishes off the EP with a heartwarming sense of gratitude. Overall, My Name Is Freedom takes Estelle’s audience on her own journey and showcases her ability to turn it into socially conscious songs universally relatable.

Estelle California is a passionate artist, musician, writer and activist dedicated to shining the Light of resilience and and bringing forth social healing throughout the world. Her first two singles “Star” and Black is the True Light” have garnered significant media attention and have resonated with people around the world.

Estelle has been described as “The Artist the world has been waiting” by Broken8records .

Currently, Estelle is also working on creating her most precious project a foundation called Black Glory Foundation to Resilience. She has been contacted by the Gpan Organization in Africa because of her song “Black is the True Light” to perform at their events and share her message. We have also seen a school in Senegal singing “Black Is The True Light” with pride! You can view them on Estelle’s website. And this song has also been submitted by an important member of the Pan African community to be performed by the Interfaith Choir of Oakland.

The EP, with influences of soul, jazz, and pop music, is full of vivid, sprawling emotions channeled by the versatility of her voice. The EP reflects Estelle’s burning energy to change the world.

Check out “Black is the True Light” now on YouTube!

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Last modified: June 30, 2020