Kendra Erika – Fire On Water (Lyric Video)

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“Fire On Water” was written by both Damon Sharpe and Kendra Erika, and she really wanted to make a video that made the lyrics and the message the focal point, just because the lyrics hold so much meaning when it comes to the status quo of inherent issues within our society and our generation. Kendra and Damon wrote it at this time in our nation and our world where everyone and everything is split into different sides and opposing views. There’s no sense of a coexisting happy medium nowadays. People like to join sides just for the sake of knowing the comfort behind strength in numbers. However, it’s very deceiving when it comes to furthering our sense of unity.

The elemental concept in relating it to two powerful forces, fire and water, only settles the understanding for the message. Each has their own force and beauty about them. Both offer healing powers, as well as destructive powers… light and dark. Everyone has their own qualities of light and dark. It only makes sense to embrace each of those qualities in those around us. There’s not one best way to live a life. We are all in a process of our own degrees, and the only way for us to live universally aware is by focusing on our own path. This song is a cheers to embrace, without comparison.

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Last modified: July 27, 2018